Why is this study being done?
The purpose of this interview study is to better understand how Tobacco 21 (T21) laws have affected young adults access to and perceptions of tobacco products in the United States.
Who is funding this study?
This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
How many people will participate in this study?
About 35 young adults (18-20 years) will be in this study.
Who is eligible for this study?
To be eligible to participate in this study, one must be between the ages of 18-20 years, live in the United States, and consent to participate prior to the start of the study.
Is study participation voluntary?
Participation in this study is completely voluntary and requires consent from the participant.
What does the study involve?
Participants will be asked to complete a one-on-one, 60-minute interview with a UCSF researcher. Interviews will take place via video conference (Zoom). Participants will have the option of turning off their camera prior to the Zoom interview. If participants do not have internet access, interviews will take place over the phone.
How much time will the study take?
Participation in this interview study will take a total of about 60 minutes over the course of 1 day.
What risks are there to individuals who participate?
It may be inconvenient to participate in this study due to the time it requires to complete the interview. Some of the questions may make you feel uncomfortable. If a participant does not want to answer a question, for any reason, they don’t have to answer it. They can also withdrawal from the study at any time.
Will the interview be recorded?
Yes. An audio recording will be made of the interview. After the interview, someone will type into a computer a transcript of what’s on the recording and will remove any mention of names or contact information. Participants will have the option of turning off their camera prior to the Zoom interview.
Are there benefits to taking part in the study?
There will be no direct benefits from participating in this study. However, the information that a participant provides will help us better understand beliefs related to tobacco products among young adults.
Is this study confidential?
Yes. All personal information will be kept secure and confidential. Personal information including names and contact information will not be directly linked to the participants’ interview transcript. What participants say in the interview will NOT be shared with anyone outside our research team, including parents/guardians, family, friends, or law enforcement. If this study is published or presented in a scientific meeting, none of the participants will be identified nor will any individual results be shared.
Will participants be paid?
In return for their time, effort and inconvenience, participants will receive a $100 e-gift code to [online retailor] immediately following their interview.
Who can answer my questions about the study?
If you have any questions about the study, you can contact the researcher(s) Benjamin Chaffee at benjamin.chaffee.ucsf.edu or 415-476-9226 or Elizabeth Couch at [email protected] or 415-209-5248.